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XenoTherapeutics to Start First Human Trial of Xeno-Skin™, a Novel Xenotransplantation Treatment for Severe Burns

December 8, 2018

XenoTherapeutics, a life science company whose mission is to solve the global shortage of organs and tissues for transplants, announced today that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has cleared the company’s Investigational New Drug application (IND #18914) allowing clinical studies of Xeno-Skin™ to be initiated. Xeno-Skin is a first-of-its-kind xenotransplantation product, designed to provide a safe temporary coverage mechanism for patients with severe burn wounds. The company is inactive preparations to enroll patients for a first-in-human clinical study of Xeno-Skin at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) by the end of 2018.

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